Veteran’s Day

I wrote this a few years ago, but it traces our family’s experience as veterans. I’m hoping to add some more pictures here that my mom has of my dad’s World War !! experience.

Hopefully later today…

Lifelong Learning

I come from a family of Veterans. Yet only one is still alive.  My dad was a veteran of World War II, my uncle was also, but he was in the Pacific theater. My father-in-law went to the Korean War. My husband went to Viet Nam, and the Gulf War.  My cousin’s son also went to the War in the Gulf.  Everyone is gone except Ron.

I honor all veterans of all wars, those with incredible patriotism and courage to be willing to fight and die for our rights here in America. Today, I’m reminded that we don’t always honor these vets and their sacrifices. We are a country of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. So when our veterans come back with problems, physical or mental, it goes against the grain. We are willing to rally around them while they are returning and/or recovering…initially. But we soon get busy…

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