Cookie Exchange! 2015


It’s time again for my kinda-annual cookie exchange. Last year we skipped it, with Ron having a heart attack two weeks before Christmas. But not this year! 🙂

For those that are new to this cookie exchange idea…

  • You make a whole lot of one kind of cookies…8 dozen total. It’s not that hard really, because lots of cookie recipes are for multiple dozens.
  • You’ll go home with the same number of cookies that you made – only it will be a giant wonderful variety of cookies – 2 or 3 from each person who attends.
  • We really hope for homemade, but if time simply doesn’t permit, get some fancy ones at the store. (Since we’re trading and some people are going to some pretty big efforts!)
  • I’ll have food there to snack on – something not-sweet since we’ll be surrounded by cookies!
  • One dozen (of your 8) will be for sampling at the party and in the contest. The other seven dozen will be arranged however you like (on a platter or big basket from your house). These will be the cookies we all share and take home with us.

    cookie tastingOur Tasting Contest

    Each person will have a little spot to put a couple of cookies – probably just pieces so we can taste without having to eat 14 cookies! (Not that I *can’t* eat 14 cookies, but…  😉 ) Everyone will be given a scorecard, so they can mark their favorites.

    Our Prettiest Cookie ContestFrom our 2012 Cookie Exchange :)

    We’ll have all the platters of cookies together so we can see what they look like!
    Now’s your chance to show off! 🙂

For those of you who live far away – I’m so sorry you can’t make it for our Cookie Exchange. Maybe you could host one of your own and we could Skype! How fun! A chain of cookie exchanges on the Eve of the Eve!

For those of you who are local, come on out! Be sure to RSVP so I know how many tables to set up!

I’m looking forward to all of it this year!
Merry Christmas!

Let me know what you think, ok? Please comment.